CGB Corporate Partnerships
The Center for Global Business facilitates interaction between industry, students, and faculty to offer international business content, enhance classroom experiences with experiential learning, and provide opportunities for real-world problem solving
Role of our Partners
Corporate partners come from a wide range of industries with experience in a variety of business fields, and are dedicated to developing both academic and experiential international business education at the McCombs School of Business.
Pinnacle Group
Collaborating with Pinnacle Group will undoubtedly have a great impact on paths of IB students at UT. Based out of Dallas, Texas, Pinnacle is one of the largest workforce solutions providers in North America, with offices in Europe, Asia and South America.
Working with CGB
A global mindset in future leaders is essential for success in an increasingly interconnected world. Pinnacle is proud to support CGB’s efforts to prepare tomorrow’s leaders through international, experiential learning.More About Pinnacle Group
Corporate partnership with CGB is a great way to support tomorrow's global leaders, so join us today!