Join Bay Area for McCombs
The welcome mat is always out for Texas McCombs alumni, and BAFM offers a variety of unique opportunities for you to network, grow, and connect.
Donations to BAFM are used for a variety of purposes including: educational student activities, student recruitment and placement, treks to the Bay Area, and professional development events. BAFM offers four different levels of involvementz:
- Executive - Executive-level donors provide strategic advice on programming; $10,000 annually
- Advisory - Advisory-level donors spearhead projects selected by the executive board; $5,000 annually
- Associate - Associate-level donors implement initiatives put forth by the advisory board; $1,000 annually
- Junior - Reserved for recent graduates (1-2 years); Junior-level donors serve as ambassadors for the BAFM Board; $250 annually
BAFM offers you a number of engagement opportunities like:
- Exclusive networking opportunities
- Participation in a mentorship program with current BBA and MBA students
- Access to McCombs Career Services to increase student hiring
- Biannual, in-person updates from the McCombs School of Business Dean
- Exposure to McCombs leadership and visibility into the strategic vision of our school
- Invitations to student treks, alumni programming, and other exclusive events