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Ty Henderson

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Program

Department:     Marketing

Additional Titles:     Associate Professor

Research Areas:     Statistical Analysis

Ty Henderson


Ty Henderson (PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison) is an Associate Professor in the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Ty’s research investigates consumer choice and sales promotion strategy in the context of public goods and cause related marketing. Additional research interests include non-compensatory choice models, Bayesian statistics, and new behavioral measurement technologies. Ty’s research has appeared in Marketing Science. Prior to entering academia, Ty played an instrumental role in two start-up companies; one focused on providing constituent management solutions and the other specializing in telecommunications consulting.



MBA Applause Award for MBA Core Teaching



McCombs School of Business Excellence in Education Award


Ty T Henderson and Qing Liu. 2017. Efficient Design and Analysis for a Selective Choice Process. Journal of Marketing Research 54(3), 430-446.

Anocha Aribarg, Neeraj Arora, Ty T Henderson, and Youngju Kim. 2014. Private Label Imitation of a National Brand: Implications for Consumer Choice and Law. Journal of Marketing Research 51(6), 657-675.

Neeraj Arora, Ty T Henderson, and Qing Liu. 2011. Noncompensatory Dyadic Choices. Marketing Science 30(6), 1028-1047.

Ty T Henderson and Neeraj Arora. 2010. Promoting Brands Across Categories with a Social Cause: Implementing Effective Embedded Premium Programs. Journal of Marketing 74(6), 41-60.

Neeraj Arora and Ty T Henderson. 2007. Embedded Premium Promotion: Why it Works and How to Make it More Effective. Marketing Science 26, 514-531.