Make the Most of McCombs
We want you to thrive at McCombs, both in and out of the classroom. The Office of Student Life offers a host of opportunities to connect with your peers, participate in community events, and be a part of your school, your city, and your world.
From Our Students
Within the program, even the first year, I’ve been able to discover my strengths and weaknesses.Watch video

Come to the Kickoff
Incoming business freshmen and transfer students are invited to McCombs Kickoff, a day-long event packed with fun and held on Friday of the first week of classes. Meet new and current students while learning more about the McCombs School of Business. this event is co-hosted by our Undergraduate Business Council and BBA Progam Office.

Gone to Business
Open to new McCombs freshmen and transfer students, Gone to Business is an event where you can meet our deans, staff, and student leaders while they tell you about opportunities available to Texas BBAs. Come hang out at one of McCombs' biggest and best annual events, and make sure to stick around for the giveaways and for the Gone to Texas celebration at the Tower!